
Rogue 8 Realization

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As Rogue was trapped by those gray eyes that pierced through her like his adamantium claws she was ripped from her thoughts as Jubilee came through the door and proclaimed, "There you are Rogue! What are you doing up he-" Jubilee was stopped by the way Logan and Rogue were standing so close looking very tense and...were their tears in Rogue's eyes?

Rogue stepped away and shook her head. "Just thinkin on some things Juju. What's up?"

"Well we were worried about you..." Jubilee looked worried and out of breath.

"Why?"Rogue didn't understand.

Logan grunted, "Storm told us that she might a said somethin that hurt yer feelin's. She's checking the grounds. Somethin about your powers and the students..."

"Professor Logan it wasn't her idea I touched her I-" Jubilee started off a mile a minute.

"Calm down for you explode something..." Logan turned to Rogue and said in that softer voice he only had for her, "I'm sorry you felt you couldn't come to me for help Rogue. Just know that I'll always be here if you need me kid." Logan touched her white locks and then turned and walked down the stairs.

"Omg were you and Professor Logan kissing up here?" Jubilee jumped up and down giggling.

Rogue shook her head somberly. "No Jubes...nothing like that... Lets go see Pyro again. I feel bad for leaving him down there alone."

So they snuck back down into the med bay and saw Pyro standing there looking twitchy. He saw her come in and called her name.

"Rogue! What the hell did that white haired chic say to make you so mad and run out like that?"

"Oh she got into trouble for letting me help her with her absorbing your mental-"

"Jubes no! Please let me tell him myself ...just go upstairs and save me a place at the table for dinner please." Rogue asked her after seeing Pyro's eyes go wide. Jubes nodded and ran off waiving.

"What was she talking about Rogue?" Pyro asked her as he stood closer to her. He was only a few feet away looking at her with that intense gaze that seemed to scorch her.

Rogue was silent for a moment. He didn't know about how when she absorbed someones life force or their powers that she absorbed some of the persons psyche. She turned and looked at him with her fingers twitching for that damned lighter that she was beginning to hate. "Well, you know how Ah can absorb mutants powers?"

Pyro gave her that look like he wasn't stupid. "Yeah. So what?"

"Well." She found her lips twitch up into that harsh smirk that anyone could recognize as John Allerdyce's smile that he showed the world that he thought was against him. "When Ah absorb the powers Ah also absorb a part of that person's psyche. Their personality get's sucked into mine." she watched as it dawned on him  what she was saying.

"You mean when you absorbed my powers that some of me went inside of you for a while? Like I was in your head with you?" He asked as his fingers twitched at his sides in that nervous habit. His eyes suddenly flicked to her fingers that were doing the same.

"Kinda'. It's less of a was than it is a...permanent kinda thing." she waited for his reaction. She saw his fingers still and form into a fist.

Then his eyes looked away from her and he asked, "Do you see my memories?" his entire body went tense.

Rogue had to be truthful. "Only flashes when Ah first touched you. But that was because that was what you were thinking about at the time. Ah don't see anything anymore. Ah just...feel you, in my head." her voice went quiet as his eyes flicked back to hers. They were smoldering and she had no idea what she saw in them. "Mostly Ah just feel how angry you are... and how much you miss yer damned lighter." she raised her fingers and rubbed them together. "Ah wish Ah could actually give you yer stupid lighter cause Ah can feel how much you need the fire."

His gaze widened and he seemed to freeze like a trapped animal. Then he hissed, "I don't need anything! Not from you or anybodies! I'm not some damned charity case Rogue!"

Rogue frowned and told him firmly. "Ah don't think you are some charity case John! Yer ma friend an Ah'm gonna help you because Ah care about you! Not because Ah want to use you as some damned weapon or anything like that!" Her gloved hands fisted as they shook at her sides with anger that was all her own.

John stepped forward and was nearly in her face and he sneered down at her. "Why shouldn't I be a weapon Rogue? I'm one of the worst dangerous mutants out there! Why shouldn't I be what I was made for?" He growled down at her.

Rogue looked up at him and she saw just how much Magneto had twisted his mind while Pyro was in the Brotherhood. She wanted to knock some sence into him at the same time she wanted to hold him and heal his broken mind. But instead she just told him, "Because John. You ain't jus some weapon. You ain't just some dangerous mutant made for destruction. Yer more John! So much more than that! Yer so much more than the anger inside you. Yer so much more than what Magneto made you."

John scowled down at her and scoffed. "Oh yeah? To who Rogue?"

She saw that he really believed that all he would ever be to anyone was just some mutant that could be used as a flame thrower to kill the enemy. Rogue shook her head in disbelief. Then she told him softly, "To me you idiot..."
okay so I know I'm giving myself whiplash with the back and forth here. BUt it is confusing who I want Rogue to be with...
tell me your thoughts!
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alexmonalisa's avatar
Rogue and Logan definitely!